Legal Affairs

The department is an internal counsel responsible for keeping abreast with legal practice and interpreting all legal statutes relevant to SECZ. The department also drafts rules and regulations which guide the conduct of capital market participants. The department also recommends review of legislation and drafts new legislation and rules in line with global best practice.

As legal counsel the department oversees the application of the laws and legislation the Commission applies in regulating the market and takes a lead in drafting new securities laws. The Commission believes that its rules and regulations should be drafted to enable market participants to understand clearly their obligations under the securities laws and to conduct their activities in compliance with law. The Commission recognises that rulemaking is often required to remedy abusive practices or to respond to Government mandates, changing economic conditions, advances in technology, or novel products or services. The Commission aims to promulgate rules that are clearly written, easily understood and tailored toward specific ends.

In general, rulemaking and policies are designed to improve disclosure, facilitate the flow of important information to investors and the public, improve governance, promote high-quality accounting standards, and enhance the accountability of the trading markets, among other goals. When properly crafted, these rules serve to further the Commission’s mission.

DIRECTOR legal affairs 

LLB Honours (UZ),MBA(UZ)

Lyinah has worked in the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs-Law Development Commission, as a Law Officer. Prior to that, she was Legal Practitioner to Chingeya Mandizira Legal Practitioners and Advocacy and Information Officer for the Women’s Land and Water Rights in Southern Africa.

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